FOCUS Enhancements 2 3 User Manual

Instruction Manual  
Addendum 2.3  
This manual addendum describes functionality  
of FireStore units that have firmware version  
2.2 or above. In order to determine what  
1.1 Track Number Update  
Previously, the display featured a four-digit  
track display.  
version of firmware you are using, hold down  
the (MODE)  
button for two  
seconds until the setup menu appears. Scroll  
to the menu item that reads: "VERSION:".  
The version of firmware should be 2.2. or  
later. If you have an earlier firmware version  
and would like to update to 2.2, contact your  
dealer or distributor. Customers in the U. S. A.  
and Canada may contact the FOCUS Enhancements  
technical support department at:  
This has been updated to a three-digit track  
display. This is the new display;  
1.2 Delete Clip Update  
FireStore features a new delete clip display  
screen. To delete, select the particular track  
to delete and hold down the (SHIFT/ALT)  
Telephone: 408-370-9963. 8 am-5 pm,  
Monday to Friday, Pacific time.  
(Hint: Mondays tend to be the busiest.)  
button for two seconds followed by  
Fax: 408-866-4859.  
the (MODE)  
button. Answer yes to  
delete the clip by pressing the (PLAY)  
button to initiate the delete process.  
FireStore will display the base file name of  
the particular file that is being deleted.  
Once the delete process is complete, the LCD  
display will display "STOP" and show the  
track previous to what was just deleted.  
PAGE 4  
1.3 Loop Mode Update  
It is now possible to identify different loop and play modes when FireStore is in STOP mode.  
To enter loop playback mode when FireStore is stopped, hold down the  
button for two seconds (the button will flash once in this mode).  
button and you will be able to cycle between the following  
Then press the (STOP)  
loop modes:  
In this mode, FireStore will play the selected clip and pause at the end.  
In this mode, FireStore will loop the selected clip continually.  
In this mode, FireStore will loop all the clips on the attached disk drive(s) continuously, in order.  
In this mode, FireStore will play through all the clips on the attached disk drive(s) sequentially  
then pause at the end.  
PAGE 5  
1.4 Record Time Remaining Update  
Remaining Timecode (REM)  
FireStore will display the remaining time on a  
disk in hours, minutes, seconds and frames  
while in record mode. In playback mode,  
FireStore will count down the remaining time  
of the particular clip being played.  
It is now possible to monitor the record  
time remaining on a disk drive while in  
record mode. Time is listed in hours,  
minutes, seconds and frames. To do this,  
put FireStore into record mode,  
and simply press the (MODE)  
button. The display will now read:  
Source Timecode (DV)  
FireStore will display the incoming source  
timecode from the source DV device when  
in record mode. In playback mode, FireStore  
will display the embedded timecode from the  
DV stream.  
1.5 Timecode Update  
There are now four different ways to display  
timecode on FireStore: Standard Timecode  
(TC), Remaining Timecode (REM), Source  
Timecode (DV) and Absolute Timecode  
Absolute Timecode (ABS)  
FireStore will display the absolute or total sum  
of the timecode for a particular recording  
session. For instance, if the first clip began  
with a timecode of 00:00:00:00 and ended  
with a timecode of 00:00:14:21, the first  
frame of the next clip will start at  
In order to switch between the different  
timecode displays, press FireStores (MODE)  
00:00:14:22. If playing back a disk in play all  
mode, FireStore will play the sum of all of the  
clips as an absolute counter.  
button. It is possible to switch  
between these modes during record or  
playback. Each is described below.  
Standard Timecode (TC)  
FireStore will count from zero through the  
duration of each individual clip in hours,  
minutes, seconds and frames (00:00:00:00)  
while recording. During playback, FireStore  
will count up the duration of each clip.  
PAGE 6  
the setup screen will appear. By pressing the  
(MODE) button, cycle through until  
button for two seconds and  
FireStore allows you to play clips at slower  
than real time speeds. It is possible to  
playback NTSC clips at 15 frames per second  
(FPS), 10 FPS, 6FPS, 5FPS, 3FPS, 2FPS and  
1 FPS. PAL clips can be played back at  
12FPS, 6FPS, 5FPS, 4FPS, 3FPS, 2FPS and  
1FPS. To access the slow motion mode, select  
the particular clip you would like to play (it is  
also possible to play a loop all, loop clip or  
play all sequence at slower than real time  
speeds). Start playback by pressing  
you see the "REC FILE TYPE" screen. The  
different file formats that are available are :  
RawDV, AVI Type 1, AVI Type 2, AVI Type 2C  
(Canopus), Matrox AVI, QuickTime and Avid  
DV OMF. Select the file format you wish to  
use. Once set, that file format will remain  
until it is changed, even if the power is cycled.  
3.1 Matrox  
FireStores (PLAY)  
button. Once  
The Matrox file format is designed for use  
with the Matrox RT2000, RT2500, DigiSuite  
DTV and DigiSuite LX applications with  
Adobe Premiere. The Matrox file format is  
unique on FireStore in that it creates two files  
simultaneously; an AVI2 video file and a  
separate .WAV audio file. On the computer's  
desktop, the file will look like this...  
playing, hold down the (SHIFT/ALT)  
button for two seconds (the button will flash  
when in ALT mode). Then press the RW  
button once. You will notice the display  
updates to:  
By continually pressing the RW button, playback  
will slow down playback by the increments  
mentioned above until it reaches 1FPS. It is  
possible at any time to increase the playback  
speed by pressing the FF button. It will  
increase by one increment forward (e.g. if you  
are at 6FPS, playback will increase to 10FPS).  
To exit this mode, simply press FF until  
playback reaches normal play again or exit  
by pressing the SHIFT/ALT mode button once  
(the button will stop flashing when exited) and  
press the Play button again.  
On FireStore, both the video file (AVI2) and the  
audio file (.WAV) appear as one track. If you  
delete a Matrox file, FireStore will delete both  
the audio and video portion at the same time.  
NOTE: The Matrox file format is not for use  
with the Matrox RTMac. Use either AVI 2 or  
QuickTime for Matrox RTMac based  
FireStore now features three new file formats,  
Matrox, QuickTime and Avid DV OMF. To set  
either of these formats (as well as others),  
hold down the  
PAGE 7  
NOTE: The following pictures in this section  
show a WindowsXP interface. Pictures will  
3.2 QuickTime  
look slightly different on a Mac OS10 interface.  
The QuickTime file format was developed for  
better integration for Apple Macintosh users.  
QuickTime files are designed to be used on  
Adobe Premiere, iMovie and Apple Final  
Cut Pro on the Macintosh. They can also be  
used with the Matrox RTMac versions of  
both Premiere and Final Cut Pro. When  
the QuickTime file format is used, FireStore  
creates a .mov file. This single file includes  
an audio, a video and a timecode track. On the  
computer's desktop, the file will look like this...  
On FireStore, the video file (OMF) and the  
audio files (AIF) appear as one track. If you  
delete an Avid DV OMF file, FireStore will  
delete the audio and video portions at the  
same time.  
In order to use the FireStore recorded Avid DV  
OMF files on your Avid Xpress DV system  
from the external FireWire drive, you must do  
the following…  
1. Locate the external FireWire drive on your  
computer. (If you have trouble, you can locate  
the name of the external drive by selecting My  
Computer on a Windows system. On a Mac, the  
FireWire drive should appear on the desktop).  
2. Open the FireWire drive when you have  
found it and create a new folder named  
"OMFI MediaFiles". To do this on Windows,  
select File -> New -> Folder from the pull  
down menu. On Mac, select File -> New  
Folder. It is important that "OMFI  
3.3 Avid DV OMF  
MediaFiles" is typed correctly in order for  
Avid to see the disk drive. Drag all the OMF  
and AIF files into the new folder (do not drag  
in the files titled Desktop DB or Desktop DF).  
The Avid DV OMF file format was developed  
for use with Avid Xpress DV version 3.0 or latter  
on Windows 2000, Windows XP or Mac 0S10.  
The Avid DV OMF file format creates three  
files simultaneously; an OMF video file and  
two separate AIF audio files. On the computers  
desktop, the files will look like this...  
PAGE 8  
3. Launch Xpress DV. Once you have opened  
the desired project or created a new project,  
select Tools -> MediaTool. The following  
window will appear:  
It is also possible to import the FireStore  
recorded files onto your Avid systems media  
drives. To do this, select File -> Import. Find  
the external FireWire drive and import the  
file(s) onto the media drive. This may take  
time as it is copying the file over to the media  
drive. For instant editing, it is recommended  
that you edit directly from the FireWire drive.  
It is now possible to control FireStore from  
external FireWire devices utilizing AV/C  
4. Locate and select the external FireWire  
drive under Media Drive(s). (NOTE: If the  
drive does not appear, check that you have  
created the OMFI MediaFiles folder correctly  
with proper case and spacing. Also, check to  
see that the drive is properly connected and  
recognized by the computer).  
control protocol. With this feature, it is possible  
to control various FireStore functions such as  
play, stop, pause, rewind and fast forward via  
FireStores 4-pin "DV In/Out" port. Devices  
that can control FireStore via AV/C include non-  
linear editing systems, VTRs and camcorders.  
Under Project(s), select All Projects (This will  
highlight all items in the Project(s) window).  
Ensure Master Clips is checked then press OK.  
The following Media Tools Window will appear:  
To initiate AV/C control, hold down the  
button for two seconds.  
Once in the setup menu, scroll through to  
select the "SLAVE MODE" display by  
pressing the (MODE)  
button over  
and over. Once you get to this menu item,  
press the (FORWARD INDEX)  
to select "CONTROLLED". Then hold down  
5. Create a new bin (select File -> New Bin)  
or open an existing bin in Xpress DV. Once  
opened, select all items in the Media Tools  
window (select Edit-> Select All). Drag the  
contents of the Media Tools Window into the  
bin. It is now possible to use these clips in the  
Avid Xpress DV timeline.  
again for two seconds.  
Now connect FireStore to an AV/C controlling  
device via FireStores 4-pin "DV In/Out" port  
(if it is an NLE system, usually the application  
must not be open when you connect FireStore).  
PAGE 9  
In all cases, check your device's operating  
manual to understand how it controls external  
devices. In most cases, FireStore will act and  
appear as a VTR.  
6.0 NON-FAT32  
If you have a disk drive that contains a non-  
FAT32 partition (such as NTFS, Mac OS  
Standard, Mac OS Extended, UNIX etc.), it is  
possible to partition this drive using FireStore.  
Simply connect the FireWire disk drive to  
FireStore and wait until you see the "NO  
FORMAT" or "NO PARTITION" display on  
the FireStore LCD. Simply hold down the  
Note: FireStores AV/C control is intended to  
be used with a single file type. Therefore, it is  
important that you select only one type of file  
(e.g. Matrox, AVI Type 2 etc.) when attempting  
to use AV/C control.  
button for two seconds  
(until it flashes) and then press the (HDD)  
button for two seconds. You will  
be asked...  
If you have a brand new disk drive that does  
not contain any existing partition(s), it is  
possible to create a FAT32 volume utilizing  
FireStore. Simply connect the FireWire drive  
to FireStores "To HDD" port and power up  
both FireStore and the disk drive. The display  
will read "NO DISK". Simply hold down the  
button for two seconds  
Answer "Yes" by pressing the (PLAY)  
(until it flashes) and then press the (HDD)  
button. You will be asked...  
button. WARNING: Formatting a drive will  
delete all information. Back up any material  
you may wish to keep before formatting.  
LCD will display PARTITIONING...*”  
during the process. When finished, the default  
STOP display will appear. Re-boot FireStore  
before using.  
Answer "Yes" by pressing the (PLAY)  
button. WARNING: Formatting a drive  
will delete all information. Back up any  
material you may wish to keep before  
formatting. FORMATTING IS NOT  
UNDOABLE! If you are unable to format  
the drive, see section 6.0 of this document.  
PAGE 10  
It is now possible to replace FireStores default  
gray splash screen, the frame that appears  
when FireStore is in STOP mode, with a user  
definable splash screen. This is useful to  
replace the gray screen with black for  
projected presentations or to display your  
company logo or call letters.  
PLEASE NOTE: This functionality is for  
advanced users only and participants in the  
FireStore beta program.  
It is possible for FireStore to boot from an  
external FireWire disk drive. During boot up,  
FireStore will look for a particular .bin file on the  
attached drive. If one is found, it will boot from  
the disk drive. You will need to be using FireStore  
ROM version number 2.20.062002 or later to do  
this. Version number is displayed in the FireStore  
Setup Menu. To setup your FireStore to boot  
from an external disk drive, do the following:  
At boot-up, FireStore looks in the top level  
directory of any partitions that it mounts. If it  
sees a file named (case sensitive, all lower  
case)..."splash.dv", FireStore will read the first  
frame of that file. FS assumes that it is a  
RawDV (.dv) file. Therefore, it is necessary  
that the file is recorded as such in the first  
place. It doesn't matter if splash.dv is greater  
than 1 frame in length, FS just reads the first  
frame from the file.  
1 Clear and format your FireWire drive, then  
connect it to your computer system.  
2 Contact the FOCUS Enhancements Technical  
Support Group for the location of the FireStore  
.bin file for download. Copy this new version to  
your FireWire drive. Next, re-name this file ww.bin.  
To change the name of a file, simply mount  
the FireWire drive onto a computer and  
change its numeric file name to "splash.dv".  
3 Disconnect the drive form the computer  
and connect it to FireStore. Hold the  
button until it blinks.  
button to  
Next, press the (MODE)  
get to the main menu. Cycle the different  
selections until you find "Boot from HD".  
Once there, use the FF index key to select  
"Yes". Next, push the (MODE)  
to exit this menu area.  
4 Now, re-start FireStore using the on/off  
switch from the back of the unit. The new  
software version (ww.bin) from your FireWire  
drive will now operate FireStore.  
5 To confirm this new software; hold the  
button to get back to the  
main menu. Cycle the different selections until  
you find a new software version number. Once  
you confirm this update, youre now ready to  
use the new FireStore software.  
PAGE 11  
PLEASE NOTE: Audio Correction Modes is  
an advanced feature of FireStore. It is  
recommended that you use the factory default  
settings for most operations.  
Diagnostics Mode enables diagnostic  
information to be passed out of FireStores  
serial (GPI) port to a terminal. This is  
primarily intended for FireStore beta users  
and some technical support activities. It is  
generally recommended that Diagnostics is  
always set to "NO". Enabling Diagnostics  
Mode will also disable the GPI function.  
Audio Correction Mode allows you to alter  
the performance of the audio error corrector  
while recording. It is useful when recording to  
FireStore from tapes with lots of audio  
dropouts. Error correction will only effect  
AVI 2, AVI 2C, Matrox AVI and QuickTime  
record file types. It does not effect RawDV or  
AVI 1.  
To access Diagnostics Mode, hold the  
button until it blinks.  
button to  
Next, press the (MODE)  
get to the main menu. Cycle the different  
selections until you find "Use Diagnostics".  
The FireStore display will show the default  
To access the Audio Correction mode, hold  
the (SHIFT/ALT)  
button until it  
blinks. Next, press the (MODE)  
button to get to the main menu. Cycle the  
different selections until you find "Audio  
Correction". The FireStore display will show  
the default setting.  
To enable Diagnostics, press the (FORWARD  
button to select "Yes". To exit,  
select Diagnostics back to "No".  
FireStore Audio Correction has the following  
three modes:  
NOTE: Setting FireStore to Diagnostics Mode  
will set Record File Type to AVI Type 2.  
MEDIUM 1: For "normal" clean tape played  
back on a good VTR with very occasional  
very short audio mutes.  
MEDIUM 2: For cases where dropouts are  
noticeable as short mutes (couple of frames)  
in the audio in playback from the camera or  
MAXIMUM: For cases where there are visible  
picture disturbances, and likely long audio  
dropouts (1/2 sec and up).  
PAGE 12  
Factory Reset sets all of FireStores variables  
12.1 Microsoft Windows XP  
to their factory default settings. To access  
Factory Reset, hold the (SHIFT/ALT)  
button until it blinks. Next, press the (MODE)  
button to get to the main menu.  
It is now possible to use FireStore recorded  
clips on applications running on Windows XP.  
Its operation with mounting drives to the  
desktop is virtually identical to that of other  
Windows environments (see page 40 of the  
FireStore Instruction Manual for more  
Cycle the different selections until you find  
"Factory Reset". The FireStore display will  
show the default setting.  
12.2 Apple Macintosh OS 10  
It is now possible to use FireStore recorded  
clips on applications running on Mac OS  
10.1.3 or later. Its operation with mounting  
drives to the desktop is virtually identical to  
that of other Macintosh environments (see  
page 43 of the FireStore Instruction Manual  
for more information). If you have trouble  
mounting FireWire disk drives, contact your  
dealer or distributor. Customers in the U. S. A.  
and Canada may contact the Focus  
To reset FireStore to its default factory  
settings, press the (FORWARD INDEX)  
button. The bottom line of the display will  
read "Reset Complete". FireStore has now  
returned to its default settings.  
Enhancements technical support department  
Telephone: 408-370-9963. 8 am-5 pm,  
Monday to Friday, Pacific time.  
(Hint: Mondays tend to be the busiest.)  
Fax: 408-866-4859.  
PAGE 13  
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FOCUS Enhancements, Inc.  
1370 Dell Ave. Campbell, CA. 95008 USA  
Telephone: 408 866-8300 Fax:408 866-4859  

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