Players: 2
Players: 1 to 4 players
Guess the word that your opponent has chosen before the The player with the most Monster Parts at the end of the
skeleton on the gallows is complete and you are hung!
game wins.
Insert the gallows into the slot on the blue Monster Medic™ Turn the switch, located underneath the game board, to the
game board. Lay out all the bones of the skeleton. Give each “ON” position. Place the Monster Medic™ game board on
player a note pad, Hangman shield, and a pen or pencil. a table or the floor and circle the players around it. Make
Decide the number of rounds to play in the game (it should sure all the players can easily reach the tongs and all parts
be an even number).
of the game board. Place all the Monster Parts in their
corresponding shape openings on the game board.
Determine which player chooses a word first. This player Game Play:
selects a secret word or phrase and writes it down on a The youngest player goes first and play passes to his left.
piece of paper hidden by the Hangman shield, so the other Each player tries to remove one of the Monster Parts. If the
player cannot see it. Then, on another piece of paper the player is able to remove the part without getting buzzed by
player who chose the secret word writes down blank lines for the U.F.O., he or she keeps the Monster Part and passes
each letter of the word or phase – this is shown to the player the tongs to the next player. If the player gets buzzed, the
that is trying to guess the word or phrase.
Monster Part returns to it’s location on the game board and
he or she passes the tongs to the next player. The game
The guessing player begins to guess letters that may fill in continues in this manner with each player taking a turn.
the blanks. If a guess is correct, the letter is written in the
appropriate blank(s). Each time the player guesses a letter Winner:
incorrectly, his opponent gets to hang a bone of the skeleton When all of the Monster Parts have been removed, each
onto the gallows (start with the head, then the body, arms, player counts his or her Monster Parts and the player with
and legs). If the player guesses the word before his skeleton the most parts wins!
is complete, he wins the round and gets a point. If the player
is unable to guess the word before his skeleton is complete, Two AAA alkaline batteries required. Do not mix old and new
his opponent wins the round and gets a point. In the next batteries.
round the players switch roles.
When players have reached the determined number of
rounds (chosen before the games starts) they add up their
points. The player with the most points is the winner.
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