Slide your players onto their bases, as shown
below. Each team may use up to seven (7)
360° Control Bases, with the remaining players
on Standard Bases.
Vibrating Football is a challenging, exciting
strategy game that tests your playmaking skills
with a team of eleven players and one Multi-
Functional Quarterback that passes, kicks and
runs. You call all the plays and set up the offen-
sive and defensive formations, working to out-
think and outmaneuver your opponent. Read
your opponent, choose your play, and direct
your blockers—your cunning and a little luck
will determine who will emerge victorious!
Read the User’s Guide thoroughly. It will show
you how to assemble and set up your game.
It will also teach you how to play the game,
but becoming an All-Pro will take practice and
dedication. Welcome to NFL Vibrating Football!
To assemble your Multi-Function Quarterback
(MFQ), follow these simple steps:
Hold leg at right angle to MFQ body.
Insert peg into hole in MFQ body.
Press leg firmly into MFQ body.
NFL Vibrating Football includes 360° Control
Bases that offer superior player control, pre-
painted NFL Teams and a custom scoreboard.
Unlike most other electronic football games,
NFL Vibrating Football features an innovative
dual-control speed system. Each player can
control the power of the vibration and the
speed of their players while on offense.
Rotate leg down until foot touches base.
Keep track of downs, score, players, date and
place game played. Game can be timed by
having 15 plays per Quarter by entering the
down number in the squares provided before
each play.
NFL Game Time Electronic Football requires
three (3) C batteries. To install batteries, turn
the unit over and place it face down on a soft
surface. Use a Phillips-head screwdriver to
remove the screw from the battery cover. Pull
the tab down and remove the cover.
Remove the paper strip from the easel to
expose the adhesive strip. Position the easel
so that the bottom of the easel aligns with the
bottom of the scoreboard. Swing the easel
stand out so that it is at a right angle to the
scoreboard, and can stand on its own.
Insert three (3) size C alkaline batteries in
the battery compartment, making sure to
match the polarity (+ and -) marked inside the
compartment. Replace the battery cover and
secure the screw.
Batteries should be installed and replaced only by an adult.
Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc) or rechargeable batteries.
Do not mix old and new batteries.
Do not use rechargeable batteries.
Remove exhausted batteries from the unit.
Remove batteries and store them in a cool, dry place when not in use.
To avoid explosion or leakage, do not dispose of batteries in a fire or
attempt to recharge alkaline or other non-rechargeable batteries.
Avoid rough handling such as bumping or dropping.
Clean using only a slightly damp cloth. Do not use chemical agents.
Use between the temperatures of 39ºF and 100ºF (4º C and 38º C).
Use your Scrimmage Marker to track the line
of scrimmage accurately. In the case of lost
yardage move your Scrimmage Marker to the
exact spot of the tackle, but do not move the
First-Down Chain.
your opponent prefer to play. Once you have
decided on a speed, it should not be changed
for the duration of the game.
Place the magnetic First-Down Chain on either
of the sidelines. Before each series of downs,
make sure the first post on the First-Down
Chain is on the line of scrimmage and lines
up properly with the Scrimmage Marker. The
First-Down Chain should be moved only
when a first down is made or when the teams
exchange possession of the ball.
Most tournament games follow Classic Control
rules. Because your players will move at only
one speed, a well-designed play is critical.
Coach’s Control
The offensive team has complete control of
the game speed in this type of game. The
offensive player may switch between BLITZ 1
and BLITZ 2 as often as desired, in order to get
players in the best position possible.
The First-Down Chain is to be used in making
measurements out of the field. When the ball
location is close to a first down, either player
may call for the chain. To make a measurement
on the field, move the First-Down Chain hori-
zontally across the field to the ball location. If
any portion of the ball carrier’s base extends
beyond end of the forward post, the first down
has been made.
In a Coach’s Control game, the defensive player
may not change the speed during the play. If
the defensive player does illegally manipulate
the game speed, the result is a 10-yard penalty
and the down should be replayed. The offense
has the option of declining this penalty, if it
does not negatively impact the play.
Place in the hole located on the frame of the
field as shown on the product image.
Custom Control
Create your own rules for changing the speed
of the game during the play. For best results,
players should agree to a set of rules regarding
how often during a play each team will be
allowed to change game speeds. For example,
you may decide to have the offensive player
set the initial game speed, and allow the
defensive team one opportunity to ‘blitz’by
increasing the game speed.
The playing field vibration may be regulated
for fast or slow action by pressing the Blitz 1
and Blitz 2 buttons. There are three options
for speed control, depending on what kind of
game you want to play.
Important Note: Players should agree on the
Speed Control rules before the game begins.
For Vibrating Football Tournaments, all games
should be played according to the same rules
in order to maintain a fair competition.
NFL Vibrating Football is not designed
to have two players constantly chang-
ing the game speed, pressing several
buttons at once. This will result in poor
gameplay, and could damage your unit.
Classic Control
Choose one speed setting for your game.
Before the game begins, test your players
on both speeds, and decide on that you and
Follow the diagram and simply insert or snap
the wheel into the player bases. To have the
wheel in the basic or starting position, make
sure the two legs on the wheel are in the for-
ward position. From this starting point you can
test the movements for each player.
On the underside of the player bases you will
notice backward slanted “legs”which help
control the forward motion of the player. Your
player’s speed may be altered by slanting the
legs toward the front or the back of the base.
Forward—Player will move straight if
the legs on wheel are in forward position.
(Each player base will have slightly
different characteristics. Test your bases
before playing to determine which bases
are best suited to each position.)
These bases are molded with the legs set in a
position that will cause the players to move
in a forward direction. There is no assembly
required for these bases. Players may brush the
“legs”prior to any play, but should not be cut,
broken, or added to in any way.
Right Turn—Slight right turn makes your
player move in wide arc to the right. The
more you turn the wheel, the tighter your
player’s turn will be.
Left Turn—Slight left turn makes player
move in wide arc to the left. The more
you turn the wheel, the tighter your
player’s turn will be.
These bases have two parts: a player base with
a set of “legs”molded in the rear and a 360°
control wheel. The 360° control wheel has
front legs that let you control the movement
of the player. Turning the wheel allows you to
direct each player to move in the direction you
want. The degree of turn is determined by the
amount the wheel is turned. Use these players
to run the routes and patterns that you will
need to march down the field.
To evaluate your team and set up your bases,
turn the vibration on low, allowing your play-
ers to move in a smooth, even manner. Next,
place one player at a time on the goal line,
between the hash marks, facing the other goal
line, and observe its movements.
To get a player to run straight, pick him up
every time he turns and adjust the wheel,
very slightly, in the opposite direction he ran.
Repeat until he can run from one goal to the
other without going out of bounds.
1.Insert wheel into one slot of base as shown.
2.Place the hole of the wheel over stud.
3.Press down to snap steering wheel in place.
Your Multi-Function Quarterback may kick,
pass or run depending on the situation.
These sculpted players are molded in five
distinct poses. Each player’s base is marked
with one of the codes as shown in the image.
These players may be assigned to any position
on your team, but as a guideline, the following
positions are best suited to your player types:
Pull the kicking leg back until it snaps
behind the “tee”.
Slide the split foam ball on the tee. Do
not put the ball on the tee too tightly. It
should rest lightly for best kicking results.
Hold the handle between your thumb
and middle finger. Pull the hand back
with your forefinger until the kicking leg
Offensive Linemen (Guards, Center, Tackles),
Defensive Ends, Defensive Linemen
Running Backs, Fullbacks, Linebackers, Safeties
Slide the split ball onto the passing hand,
with the split toward the back.
Hold the handle between your thumb
and middle finger.
Running Backs, Fullbacks, Linebackers, Safeties
Aim your QB’s throwing arm.
Wide Receiver, Tight Ends, Defensive Backs
Pull the passing hand back with your
forefinger. Let your finger slide off quickly
in order to release the ball.
Wide Receiver, Tight Ends, Defensive Backs
If you choose to line up an OL player in
an eligible receiver position (any posi-
tion other than the middle 5 linemen),
you should announce that your OL is
eligible. Otherwise, you may be
When you are using the Multi-Function
Quarterback, move one of your offensive
backs off the field.
penalized for illegal touching.
The offensive team is allowed four downs in
which to gain ten yards.
RB 1
RB 2
The ball carrier is down (tackled) when an
opposing player touches his base. The ball is
downed at the point on the field directly under
the forward point of the ball carrier’s base.
If the ball carrier turns and moves towards
his own goal line, play stops and the ball is
downed at the point at which he turned.
WR 1
WR 2
If any portion of the ball carrier’s base touches
the sideline or frame of the playing field, he is
out of bounds and play stops. Play resumes on
the next down where the ball went out.
The standard method to play vibrating football
is to have all players set up to move without
turning. Each player will move in the direction
he is facing. The offense should try to set up
the offensive line to block for the back he
chooses to run. The defense’s strategy is to set
up his players to be in a position to “tackle”
the chosen ball carrier, after observing the set
position of the offensive line and the positions
of the backs.
If the ball carrier loses the ball for any reason,
it is considered a fumble. The first player to
touch the ball after it hits the playing field (in-
cluding the player that dropped it) gains pos-
session. Play is stopped and the ball is placed
at the point at which the ball is recovered.
The professional method uses all the running
patterns made possible by the 360° Control
Bases. You can replicate the play patterns of
real football more accurately, since the offense
and defense can set each of their players to go
in any direction they choose. Since there is no
way of knowing how the opponent’s players
will move before the switch is turned on, a
higher degree of ingenuity and anticipation
will be required to win.
A touchback occurs when the ball is kicked
into the opponent’s end zone or when a pass
is intercepted by a defensive player in his own
end zone and he chooses not to run the ball
out. The defense then puts the ball into play at
the center of the field on the 20-yard line.
A touchdown is scored when any part of a ball
carrier’s base crosses the opponent’s goal line,
or when a fumble is recovered by the defense
in the opponent’s end zone.
The game begins with the opening coin toss.
Players must flip a coin to decide who will kick
off. One player should call ‘Heads’or ‘Tails’
while the coin is in the air. The player that wins
the coin toss may elect to kick off or receive
the ball to start the game. The player who
loses the coin toss may choose which goal
they will face to begin the game. The team
that receives the kick to open the game will
kick off to start the 2nd half.
A safety is called when a ball carrier is tackled
behind his own goal line or when a player
recovers a fumble behind his own goal line.
Two points are awarded to the defense. Play
is restarted when the team that was scored
against kicks off from their own 20-yard line.
Before the game begins, players should
determine which team each player will control.
Players should also discuss and determine the
game length, game rules, and speed control
they will be using.
The referee should handle the First-Down
Chains and Scrimmage Marker, operate the
scoreboard, and handle any regular game
duties. If there is no referee, the defensive
player should handle the play counter and
Regular Rules
Kickoffs are made from the 35-yard line at
the beginning of the game, at the start of the
second half, and after the conversion attempt
following each touchdown. After the conver-
sion attempt, the scoring team must kick off to
the opponent.
All bases are adjusted to run straight ahead,
and may not be changed.
The offense is set up using a seven man
line and any backfield formation, such
as a “T”, single or double wing, or pro-set.
The defensive team is set up in any
desired formation.
Players should be lined up behind the spot of
the ball. The kicker is placed on the 35-yard
line. The ball may be kicked to any part of the
field, but must travel at least 10 yards beyond
the spot of the kick.
The offensive linemen are given their
blocking angles.
The defensive team players are turned to
the desired direction: slant-left,
slant-right, etc.
The figure nearest the spot where the ball hits
on the fly becomes the ball carrier. This figure
should be given the ball, placed where the ball
hit, and then pointed in any desired direction.
The vibration is turned on and the ball carrier
runs until he is tackled, runs out of bounds,
reverses direction, fumbles or scores.
The ball is placed under the selected ball
carrier’s arm, or on the quarterback’s
hand or tee.
The offensive backs may then be pointed
in any direction.
The vibration is turned on and the play
If the ball is kicked out of bounds, the receiv-
ing player may make kicking team kick off
again with a 5-yard penalty, or may choose to
accept the kick. If the kick is accepted, the ball
is put into play at the inbounds marker on the
yard line at which the ball went out of bounds.
The game resumes and the receiving team
takes over on offense, 1st and 10.
Professional Rules
Each team may use up to seven 360° Control
Bases. These can be adjusted in any manner.
The offense should set each player’s 360°
Control Base to run the desired pattern.
The offense may then set the team up in
the desired offensive formation.
The defense should set each player’s 360°
Control Base to run the desired pattern.
The defense may then set the team up in
the desired defensive formation.
The ball is placed under the selected ball
carrier’s arm or on the quarterback’s
hand or tee. However, in this case, only
the ball carrier may be pointed in a new
The forward point of the base of the ball car-
rier is considered the ball location, and will
become the line of scrimmage. On plays from
scrimmage, the offensive and defensive lines
must be at least half of a base apart, equally
distant from the line of scrimmage. If any
player is forward of this point at the time the
vibration is turned on, the team is flagged for
an offsides penalty (see Penalties on page 10).
The vibration is turned on and the play
When setting up your teams for a play from
scrimmage, a sequence must be observed.
This sequence depends on the set of rules you
decide to use before beginning the game.
To simplify and speed up the game, it is a good
idea to preset many of the bases and assign
each one to a player type. This enables you to
set up plays quickly by moving each player
into the position you want for a particular play.
pick it up and run. If the ball falls on the field
and no player touches it, the player closest to
the ball (offense or defense) has recovered the
fumble and may return it.
Once the offensive player touches the quar-
terback during the play he must attempt to
pass or kick. The quarterback may be manually
faded back or to the side, but may not be
moved forward. The passer may not fade back
more than 30 yards from the line of scrimmage
or the ball is considered downed at that point.
It is usually wise to punt on fourth down
unless the offense is within 30 yards of the
opponent’s goal line. The kick is made with the
vibration on. After the kick, the defensive man
nearest to where the ball hit becomes the ball
carrier. The field is turned off the moment the
ball touches the field.
If a defensive man moves “behind”the quar-
terback before the pass is released, the passer
is under pressure, and must pass immediately.
The vibration should be turned off, and the
pass must be thrown. The offense is allowed
time to find a receiver and aim the pass, but
the quarterback must remain stationary at his
place on the field.
The ball is placed under the arm of the
receiver, and the receiver may be aimed in the
desired direction. No other players on the field
may be moved. When the ball carrier is set,
the vibration is turned back on and the return
is made until the player is tackled, runs out of
bounds, or scores a touchdown.
If the ball hits an eligible receiver (in the air
or on the ground) the pass is completed, the
switch turned on, and play continues with that
man as the ball carrier.
In the event the defense does not have a
man at least thirty yards behind the line of
scrimmage, a punt return is prohibited. The
receiving team must then put the ball into play
at the point at which the ball has come to rest.
If the ball does not hit an eligible receiver, the
pass is incomplete and play is resumed at the
line of scrimmage on the next down.
After a touchdown is scored, the scoring team
attempts a conversion by putting the ball into
play at the two-yard line. The scoring team
may attempt an extra point with a placekick,
or a try to run or pass for a 2-point conversion.
If the ball hits any defensive player, the pass
has been intercepted. The ball should be
placed in the arms of the defensive player
and the vibration should be turned on. Play
continues with that man as ball carrier.
If an extra point is attempted, the two teams
line up as in a play from scrimmage. The ball
is placed on the kicking tee, the vibration is
turned on and the kick is attempted. The ball
must be kicked over the crossbar of the goal
posts and between the uprights.
To execute a pitch-out or lateral, the offense
passes the ball to a teammate behind the line
of scrimmage. If the ball touches any offensive
player, (on the fly or on the ground), the
pitch-out is caught and the play is continued.
If the ball touches a defensive player first, it
is considered fumbled and the defense may
A field goal may not be attempted behind the
offense’s 45-yard line. The same procedure is
followed as in placekicking.
The 2nd Half begins with a kickoff. The team
that received the opening kickoff must kick off
to begin the 3rd quarter.
The team against which the penalty was made
has the option of accepting or declining the
penalty. If the penalty is accepted, the offend-
ing team is penalized 5 yards, and the down is
repeated. If the penalty is declined, the result
of the play stands and the ball is put into play
at the yard line at which the play stopped. The
down advances as normal.
This is the final quarter of regulation, so pay
attention to the score and plan your play
accordingly. The fourth quarter begins as the
second quarter, with the offense and defense
swapping goals.
If a forward pass hits an ineligible receiver (of-
fensive tackle, guard, or center), the offensive
team is called for illegal touching and is penal-
ized 15 yards from the line of scrimmage and
play is resumed on the next down.
At the end of 4 quarters, the team with the
most points is declared the winner. If the
teams are tied, a sudden-death overtime
period must be played. The length of the over-
time period will be equal to the length of the
quarters you decided on before the game.
Field Goal
Extra Point after TD
2-Point Conversion
6 pts
3 pts
2 pts
1 pt
The first team to score wins. If neither team is
able to score by the end of the overtime pe-
riod, a second overtime period is played. This
is continued until one team is able to score
and win the game.
2 pts
The overtime period is played following the
same rules as the regulation game. The over-
time period begins with a coin toss, following
the same rules as those that began the game.
Football games are divided into four quarters,
with a special break in the action at halftime.
You’re probably familiar with how football
works, but here’s how it works in NFL Vibrating
If a second overtime period is required, the
team that received the kickoff to start the first
overtime must kick off to begin the second
overtime. Teams will continue alternating the
overtime kickoff until one team wins.
Play begins with the opening Coin Toss and
the ensuing Opening Kickoff.
Quarter Length: A quarter consists of
30 plays. For a faster game, the number
of plays per quarter may be reduced.
Players must agree to the quarter length
before the game begins.
Teams switch end zones at the start of the
second quarter and play continues at the op-
posite end of the field. The team that has the
ball retains possession and continues its drive.
EXCALIBUR ELECTRONICS, INC., warrants to the original consumer that its products are free from any
electrical or mechanical defects for a period of 90 DAYS from the date of purchase. If any such defect is
discovered within the warranty period, EXCALIBUR ELECTRONICS, INC., will repair or replace the unit free of
charge upon receipt of the unit, shipped postage prepaid and insured to the factory address below.
The warranty covers normal consumer use and does not cover damage that occurs in shipment or failure that
results from alterations, accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, wear and tear, inadequate maintenance, commercial
use, or unreasonable use of the unit. This warranty does not cover cost of repairs made or attempted outside of
the factory.
Any applicable implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness, are hereby limited
to 90 DAYS from the date of purchase. Consequential or incidental damages resulting from a breach of any
applicable express or implied warranties are hereby excluded. Some states do not allow limitations on the
duration of LIMITED 90-DAY WARRANTY implied warranties and do not allow exclusion of incidental or
consequential damages, so the above limitations and exclusions in these instances may not apply. The only
authorized service center in the United States is:
Excalibur Electronics, Inc.
13755 SW 119th Ave
Miami, Florida 33186 U.S.A.
Phone: 305.477.8080
Fax: 305.477.9516
Ship the unit carefully packed, preferably in the original carton, and send it prepaid, and adequately insured.
Include a letter, detailing the complaint and including your daytime telephone number, inside the shipping
carton. If your warranty has expired and you want an estimated fee for service, write to the above address,
specifying the model and the problem.
NOTE: Please do not send your unit without first receiving an estimate for servicing from EXCALIBUR
ELECTRONICS, INC. Contact us before sending your unit. We cannot store your unit!
Excalibur Electronics, Inc. reserves the right to make technical changes without notice
in the interest of progress.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the
equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet
on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/TV technician for help.
Excalibur Electronics, Inc.
13755 SW 119th Avenue
Miami, Florida 33186
Phone: 305.477.8080
Fax: 305.477.9516
Visit us @
Excalibur Electronics, Inc reserves the right to make
continuing improvements. Features and functions may
not operate exactly as described.
NF-07 (MA) NFL Vibrating Football 082707
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